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You should not watch these movies with your wife / girl

Michał Strześniewski Avatar
1 minute

Last week’s post showed how to download data on ratings of over 200 television series. The rating was broken down by gender and age of the user.You should not watch these movies with your wife / girl

The application presented below allows for selection of any two age/gender groups of users and comparison of their ratings of particular television series. We can check which two series were ranked the highest and the lowest by these groups and which two series were most differently rated.
There are some interesting differences between genders and especially age groups.
Click to open and have fun!
Next week I will show you how to develop such application.
You should not watch these movies with your wife / girl 1
If you cannot start the application above, you can try to open it at https://smarterpoland.shinyapps.io/serialeIMDB_groups/.
Przemyslaw Biecek

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