has just revealed who will support it within the Scientific Advisory Board. The think tank is created of people related to data analysis, working on various scientific and commercial projects all over the world. Among the members there are names with particularly huge academic output, like Jan Madey and Krzysztof Diks, as well as their students, finalists of informatics olympiads.
The Scientific Board includes currently ten people that support development of DS Studio platform – a tool for data analytics using machine learning solutions. CodiLime, the owner of, cooperates with majority of those names for years, and as it comes to such ambitious projects like it is especially important to have leading scientists behind.
The Board opens up with two names, significant for European computer science, Jan Madey and Krzysztof Diks, who both represent one of the best technical departments in the world, the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw. They has been working with further generations of the most skilled Polish programmers, like Tomasz Kulczynski and Marek Cygan – finalists of many international informatics and mathematics olympiads and contests such as Top Coder or Google Code Jam. The rest of the Board grow their scientific career along with professional one, having academic titles of PhD gained at the best world universities. They are: Przemyslaw Chojecki, Wojciech Smietanka, Marcin Mucha, Wojciech Zaremba, Jakub Pachocki i Piotr Migdal. The last one will also lead machine learning trainings within DataCompass program created by, which will take place this year in San Francisco, New York and London.
“Such specialized group of experts with so broad academic experience is crucial for the development of in American market”, says Tomasz Kulakowski, CEO of CodiLime. “We are present now on the biggest IT conferences in California, Hadoop Summit and Spark Summit, and we see how important and impressive our Scientific Board is – we have gathered already some valuable business contacts, which will end up with the longer-term cooperation for sure”, he adds.
All of the names in Scientific Advisory Board with short biographies can be found on website.
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